performed at the grove street theatre: Oct 20, 21, 22, 27, 28 29. 2024
The 60 Year kiss, written by: eric alter, directed by: fred alvaro. starring: greg northam, tara spinelli and alexis saarela.
Tara Spinelli & Alexis Saarela.
Alexis Saarela and Greg Northam.
Tara Spinelli and Greg Northam.
Abigal's corner, written by: eric alter, directed by: beatriz esteban-messina. Starring: kara misener, beatrice jinn, alexis sarrela & katherine reardon.
Beatrice Jinn (left) and Kara Misener.
Kara Misener and Alexis Saarela.
Katherine Reardon and Kara Misener.
The Chauffeur, Written by: Eric Alter, directed by: john Fraissinet. Starring: David Leegrand & Donna FraIssInet.
Donna Fraissinet and David Leegrand.
David and Donna.
David and Donna in the closing moments of the Chauffeur.
The Ugly duckling of maplewood, written by: eric alter, directed by: mead winters. starring: kayla torres, richard frohman & donna frassinet
Richard Frohman.
Kayla Torres
Richard and Kayla.
Goodnight, Bobby boo, Written by: eric alter, directed by: mead winters. starring: arthur carlson, ginny stahlman crooks & Donna Fraissinet.
Arthur Carlson & Donna Fraissinet.
Arthur, Ginny and Donna.
Arthur and Ginny in the final moments of Goodnight, Bobby Boo.
My brother, written by: eric alter, directed by: shanna levine-phelps. starring: alle aCquafreeda, brandon conti & lou steele.
Brandon Conti and Alle Acquafreeda.
Brandon Conti and Loue Steele.
Brandon and Lou in the final moments of My Brother.
last known address, written by: eric alter, directed by: fred alvaro. starring: jack pignatello, linda weilkotz, kay koch & rafaelle denta.
Linda and Rafaelle.
Kay and Rafaelle.
Jack and Linda in the final moments of Last Known Address.